Kati Kough (she/her/hers) is a Health Educator for Planned Parenthood North Central States, where she provides sex education to teenagers, young adults, and professionals throughout the Omaha community. She cofacilitates the Omaha Teen Council program, which educates high schoolers on topics such as Birth Control, STIs/HIV, Health Dating, Gender and Sexuality, Communication Skills, Pregnancy Options, Presentations Skills, Values, and many more. In addition, Kati provides informational sessions about GetCheckedOmaha, a program that provides completely free and confidential birth control, STI testing, and STI treatment throughout Nebraska. She also facilitates the AskableAdults Matter training to local adults and youth-serving professionals who want to learn to be resources and trusted adults for the young people in their lives. She believes in providing information, tools, and access to young people so they can make important decisions about their lives in empowered and healthy ways. Before working at Planned Parenthood, Kati earned her master’s and bachelor’s in Sociology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where she focused her research on pornography, sexual identity formation, transgender experiences, menstruation, and abortion. When Kati isn’t thinking about sex, she’s probably cooking with lots of butter, petting one of her cats, watering her plants, or working on a cross stitch!
Alexis Dickerson (she/her/hers) is a clinic-based health educator for Planned Parenthood where she provides sex education to youth and young adults between the ages of 13-24 and co- facilitates the Omaha Teen Council. In the clinic setting, 1 on 1 education covers topics such as STIs, Birth Control, Anatomy and Healthy Relationships. Alexis received her bachelor’s degree in Public Health from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is currently finishing a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling at Bellevue University. Upon completing her master’s degree, Alexis plans to become an ASSECT certified sex therapist to work predominately with the LGBTQIA+ community, sexual dysfunction, sex addiction, and individuals who have experienced sexual trauma. Much of her work experience includes working with victims of domestic and sexual violence and substance abuse prevention. She is on the board for Prevention Means Progress which is a coalition that serves both Nebraska and Iowa and focuses its efforts on educating youth on substance abuse prevention. Alexis’ biggest passions are dismantling stigma around mental health issues, educating people on healthy dating and providing youth with tools and skills to feel empowered in making decisions that have positive impact on their lives.